Course Content
Section 1: Introduction to API Automation
➢ What is an API with an Example’s
➢ Usage of API
➢ Why API is growing in demand (API Base APP + Faster + Easier to Isolate +
Less Failure)
➢ API vs Web Service vs Microservice
➢ SOAP(1998) vs REST(2000) vs GraphQL — Architecture design
➢ To see the API call use Developer tool + Network tab or Postman
Section 2: Tools available for each Architecture
➢ Swagger (Design and Documentation)
➢ Postman (Design,Develop,Manual Test,Automation,CI/CD) – Java Script
➢ SOAP UI – SOAP + REST – Groovy
➢ Karate – BDD
➢ TOSCA – Codeless automation
➢ REST Assured Framework using Java
Section 3: REST Terminologies
➢ Consumer vs Provider
➢ HTTP Methods (CRUD) POST – Create + GET – Read+ PUT + PATCH + DELETE)
➢ Authentication – No Auth Ex : Weather,Map + Basic Ex : Gmail + oAuth 2
(Open Source Auth) Ex : Payment Gateway(Expiry) + Token Ex :
➢ HTTP Header (Content Type – Req Data,Accept – Res Data,Cookies –
session,Host – req server and port details)
Section 4: Response Code
➢ 100-199 (Info)
➢ 200-299(Success)
➢ 300-399(Redirect)
➢ 400-499(Client Side Error)
➢ 500-599(Server Side Error)
Section 5: API Architectures
➢ GraphQL
Section 6: Javascript Basics
➢ What is JavaScript?
➢ Variables and Datatypes
➢ Conditional and Looping statements
➢ Arrays and its methods
➢ Filter,Reduce and Map
➢ Variables Types
➢ String Methods
Section 7: Postman
➢ What is Postman?
➢ Postman Installation and SetUp
➢ Creation of WorkSpace and Collections in Postman
➢ Creation of Request GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE in Postman
➢ Authentication Types in Postman
➢ Variables Types in Postman
➢ Test Script Assertion in postman
➢ Data Driven Testing in Postman
➢ Handling oAuth2 in Postman
➢ Mock Server and Schema Validation
➢ What is NewMan and CI Integration using NewMan
➢ JSON Essentials
Section 8: TestNG
➢ TestNG Annotations
➢ Parameters
➢ Data Provider
Section 9: Cucumber
➢ Cucumber Keywords
➢ Feature file, Step Definition file, Runner file
➢ Parameterization
Section 10: Rest Assure
➢ What is Rest Assure?
➢ RestAssure SetUp
➢ Request Type Implementation GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE
➢ Ex tract Response and Validation
➢ What is Hamcrest?
➢ Implementation of Hamcrest methods
➢ Logging technic
➢ Request Headers and Response Headers
➢ Request and Response Specification
➢ Request Spec Builder and Response Spec Builder
➢ POST Payload in multiple ways
➢ Query Parameter and Path Parameter
➢ Multipart Form Data
➢ URL Encoding
➢ What is JSON Schema?
➢ JSON Schema Validation
➢ RequestFilter and ResponseFilter
➢ Serialization and DeSerialization in RestAssured
➢ Authentication and Authorization
➢ oAuth and oAuth2
Section 11: Frameworks
➢ Rest Assure
➢ TestNG
➢ Allure Reports
➢ Hamcrest
➢ Jackson
Section 12: Continuos Integration
➢ Jenkins
➢ Newman